Martin Verhey, born in 1990. Living in the eastern part of the Netherlands. My education was on a Waldorfschool with profile ‘Nature & technology’.
I am a Bachelor graduate of Dutch Communication & Multimedia Design, completed at the University of Applied Sciences in Arnhem. Here I learned to create websites, videos and games in project-based environments. I expanded my knowledge by doing own projects along the side. This is were Joove got created.
Joove started to create bigger interest and possibilities to make company video projects and professional acquisitions. Next to Joove a hobby to create interactive environments transformed from hobby-based game-development to 3-day gamejams and apps that were able to hit the Appstore.
To finish my study, I concluded with my thesis: ‘How does a new media application strengthen existing initiatives of Sportbedrijf Arnhem to stimulate people from Arnhem, between 60 and 70 years old, to move more?’
After all of that I started working as a Game Designer at Curve Fever and worked on the latest version: Curve Fever 3.